Blood tests and the menopause [with sign language]
Dr Louise Newson discusses whether blood tests are needed to diagnose the […]
The menopause and food [Video]
In this video, Dr Louise Newson discusses the role and importance of […]
GPs and the Menopause [with sign language]
Dr Louise Newson discusses the difficulties some women face when seeking treatment for the menopause from their own GP.
La différence entre la ménopause et la périménopause [avec la langue des signes] / The Difference Between the Menopause and Perimenopause [with sign language] (French)
Le Dr Louise Newson décrit la différence entre la ménopause et la […]
La diferencia entre la menopausia y la perimenopausia [con lenguaje de señas] /The difference between the menopause and perimenopause [with sign language] (Spanish)
Louise Newson describe la diferencia entre la menopausia y la perimenopausia. #15 […]
रजोनिवृत्ति और पेरिमेनोपॉज़ के बीच का अंतर [सांकेतिक भाषा के साथ / The difference between the menopause and perimenopause [with sign language] (Hindi)
लुईस न्यूजन रजोनिवृत्ति और पेरी-रजोनिवृत्ति के बीच के अंतर का वर्णन करता […]
Forskjellen mellom menopause og perimenopause [med tegnspråk] / The difference between the menopause and perimenopause [with sign language] (Norwegian)
Translated by Dr Mari Chammas Dr Louise Newson beskriver forskjellen mellom menopause […]