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The Dr Louise Newson Podcast

Have a menopause question? You’ll find the answers here.

Join balance founder, GP and Menopause Specialist Dr Louise Newson, for the definitive perimenopause and menopause podcast.
Each week she is joined by a special guest for the lowdown on the latest research and treatments, bust myths and share inspirational stories.
This podcast is brought to you by the Newson Health Group, which has clinics across the UK dedicated to providing personalised perimenopause and menopause care for all women. It funds cutting-edge menopause research and creates clinical-led education programmes for healthcare professionals. It also funds the award-winning balance menopause support app, which provides free menopause resources and support to millions of people worldwide, empowering and enabling women to have choice and control over their perimenopause and menopause treatment.

Listen and watch the latest episodes of the Dr Louise Newson podcast below

Explicar lo que la evidencia muestra para ofrecer opciones a las mujeres después del cáncer de mama, con Avrum Bluming / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (Spanish)
Podcast #001

Explicar lo que la evidencia muestra para ofrecer opciones a las mujeres después del cáncer de mama, con Avrum Bluming / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (Spanish)

El oncólogo médico, el Dr. Avrum Bluming, regresa al podcast esta semana […]

Symptômes et traitement efficace des femmes en ménopause – Dr Sarah Ball et Dr Louise Newson / Symptoms and Effective Treatment for Women Experiencing the Menopause – Dr Sarah Ball & Dr Louise Newson (French)
Podcast #001

Symptômes et traitement efficace des femmes en ménopause – Dr Sarah Ball et Dr Louise Newson / Symptoms and Effective Treatment for Women Experiencing the Menopause – Dr Sarah Ball & Dr Louise Newson (French)

Dans ce premier épisode d’une nouvelle série de podcasts enregistrés par le […]

Davina McCall: La réalisation d’un documentaire sur la ménopause m’a fait pleurer / Davina McCall: Making a menopause documentary left me in tears (French)
Podcast #098

Davina McCall: La réalisation d’un documentaire sur la ménopause m’a fait pleurer / Davina McCall: Making a menopause documentary left me in tears (French)

Davina McCall fait un retour bienvenu au podcast Newson Health pour discuter […]

Testosterona: no es sólo la guinda del pastel con Rachel Dawber / Testosterone: not just icing on the cake with Rachel Dawber (Spanish)
Podcast #001

Testosterona: no es sólo la guinda del pastel con Rachel Dawber / Testosterone: not just icing on the cake with Rachel Dawber (Spanish)

Dra. Louise [00:00:09] Bienvenidos al podcast de Newson Health sobre la menopausia. […]

यह समझाते हुए कि स्तन कैंसर के बाद महिलाओं को पसंद की पेशकश करने के लिए सबूत क्या दिखाते हैं, एवरम ब्लमिंग के साथ / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (Hindi)
Podcast #138

यह समझाते हुए कि स्तन कैंसर के बाद महिलाओं को पसंद की पेशकश करने के लिए सबूत क्या दिखाते हैं, एवरम ब्लमिंग के साथ / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (Hindi)

मेडिकल ऑन्कोलॉजिस्ट, डॉ एवरम ब्लुमिंग स्तन कैंसर के बाद रजोनिवृत्ति हार्मोन थेरेपी […]

Testostérone: pas seulement la cerise sur le gâteau avec Rachel Dawber / Testosterone: not just icing on the cake with Rachel Dawber (French)
Podcast #118

Testostérone: pas seulement la cerise sur le gâteau avec Rachel Dawber / Testosterone: not just icing on the cake with Rachel Dawber (French)

Dr Louise [00:00:09] Bienvenue au podcast Newson Health Menopause. Je suis le […]

Que sait-on des preuves scientifiques pour pouvoir offrir un choix aux femmes après un cancer du sein, avec Avrum Bluming / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (French)
Podcast #138

Que sait-on des preuves scientifiques pour pouvoir offrir un choix aux femmes après un cancer du sein, avec Avrum Bluming / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (French)

L’oncologue médical, le Dr Avrum Bluming, fait un retour tout à fait […]

Síntomas y tratamiento efectivo para mujeres que experimentan la menopausia – Dra. Sarah Ball y Dra. Louise Newson / Symptoms and effective treatment for women experiencing the menopause – Dr Sarah Ball & Dr Louise Newson (Spanish)
Podcast #001

Síntomas y tratamiento efectivo para mujeres que experimentan la menopausia – Dra. Sarah Ball y Dra. Louise Newson / Symptoms and effective treatment for women experiencing the menopause – Dr Sarah Ball & Dr Louise Newson (Spanish)

En este primer episodio de una nueva serie de podcasts grabados por […]

Davina McCall: Hacer un documental sobre la menopausia me dejó llorando / Davina McCall: Making a menopause documentary left me in tears (Spanish)
Podcast #001

Davina McCall: Hacer un documental sobre la menopausia me dejó llorando / Davina McCall: Making a menopause documentary left me in tears (Spanish)

Davina McCall: Hacer un documental sobre la menopausia me dejó llorando   Davina […]

Symptomer og effektiv behandling for kvinner i peri/menopause / Symptoms and effective treatment for women experiencing the menopause – Dr. Sarah Ball og Dr. Louise Newson (Norwegian)
Podcast #001

Symptomer og effektiv behandling for kvinner i peri/menopause / Symptoms and effective treatment for women experiencing the menopause – Dr. Sarah Ball og Dr. Louise Newson (Norwegian)

Translated by Dr Mari Chammas I denne første episoden av en ny […]

Davina McCall: Menopause dokumentaren jeg lagde fikk meg til å gråte / Davina McCall: Making a menopause documentary left me in tears (Norwegian)
Podcast #098

Davina McCall: Menopause dokumentaren jeg lagde fikk meg til å gråte / Davina McCall: Making a menopause documentary left me in tears (Norwegian)

Translated by Dr Mari Chammas Davina McCall: Menopause dokumentaren jeg lagde fikk […]

Hormonbehandling etter gjennomgått brystkreft, hva sier litteraturen, med dr Avrum Bluming / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (Norwegian)
Podcast #138

Hormonbehandling etter gjennomgått brystkreft, hva sier litteraturen, med dr Avrum Bluming / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (Norwegian)

Translated by Dr Ida Waagsbø Bjørntvedt Onkolog Dr Avrum Bluming er igjen gjest […]

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