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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and cystitis Factsheet

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and cystitis Factsheet

UTIs refer to infections of your bladder (cystitis), the urethra (the tube […]

Heart disease, perimenopause and menopause Factsheet

Heart disease, perimenopause and menopause Factsheet

Heart disease refers to a range of conditions that affect the heart […]

Traitement Hormonal Substitutif (THS) – les bases / Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet (French)

Traitement Hormonal Substitutif (THS) – les bases / Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet (French)

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The Basics Factsheet (in French) Le moyen […]

Oral health and the menopause Factsheet

Oral health and the menopause Factsheet

Did you know? Your mouth reflects what is going on elsewhere in […]

Making decisions about treatments during cancer care Factsheet

Making decisions about treatments during cancer care Factsheet

Supporting informed choicesIf you have been diagnosed with a cancer that is […]

Qu’est-ce que la ménopause? / What is the menopause? Factsheet (French)

Qu’est-ce que la ménopause? / What is the menopause? Factsheet (French)

Le mot “ménopause” signifie littéralement l’arrêt des règles. Meno fait référence à […]

What is the menopause? Factsheet

What is the menopause? Factsheet

The word menopause literally means when your periods stop. Meno­ refers to […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet

The most effective way to treat symptoms of the perimenopause and menopause […]

Female hormones and COVID-19 Factsheet

Female hormones and COVID-19 Factsheet

Summary Points Estrogen is known to improve the way cells that fight […]

FAQs about HRT Factsheet

FAQs about HRT Factsheet

Estrogen gels and spraysWhere do I put the gel?Licensed directions are to […]

Oestrogen in patches, gels or sprays Factsheet

Oestrogen in patches, gels or sprays Factsheet

What is the difference? Oestrogen is the main hormone in hormone replacement […]

Oestrogel and Sandrena Factsheet

Oestrogel and Sandrena Factsheet

What is Oestrogel? Oestrogel contains the hormone 17 beta­estradiol, which is the […]

Vitamin D Factsheet

Vitamin D Factsheet

One of the ways to look after your health as you go […]

Vaginal dryness Factsheet

Vaginal dryness Factsheet

This leaflet aims to answer your questions about vaginal dryness including what […]

Sleep and hormones Factsheet

Sleep and hormones Factsheet

A disruption to sleeping habits is often the number one complaint from […]

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