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Menopause and perineal tears Booklet

Menopause and perineal tears Booklet

This booklet has been jointly produced by Dr Louise Newson and The […]

Menopause and relationships – a guide for partners Booklet

Menopause and relationships – a guide for partners Booklet

The menopause happens to over 50% of the population and various symptoms […]

Premenstrual syndrome and menopause Booklet

Premenstrual syndrome and menopause Booklet

Premenstrual syndrome (also known as PMS) is when women who have periods […]

Surgical menopause Booklet

Surgical menopause Booklet

Although most women go through their menopause naturally, many women experience an […]

Creu sefydliad gwaith sy’n gallu delio â’r menopos yn hyderus / Creating and working in a menopause confident organisation Booklet (Welsh)

Creu sefydliad gwaith sy’n gallu delio â’r menopos yn hyderus / Creating and working in a menopause confident organisation Booklet (Welsh)

Mae’r llyfryn hwn ar gyfer unigolion a gweithleoedd, ar gyfer dynion, menywod, […]

荷爾蒙替代療法(HRT) – 簡介 / Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics (Chinese)

荷爾蒙替代療法(HRT) – 簡介 / Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics (Chinese)


Santé mentale et bien-être émotionnel dans la périménopause et la ménopause / Mental health and emotional wellbeing in the perimenopause and menopause Booklet (French)

Santé mentale et bien-être émotionnel dans la périménopause et la ménopause / Mental health and emotional wellbeing in the perimenopause and menopause Booklet (French)

Si vous êtes en période de périménopause ou de ménopause et que […]

Salud mental y bienestar emocional en la perimenopausia y la menopausia / Mental health and emotional wellbeing in the perimenopause and menopause Booklet (Spanish)

Salud mental y bienestar emocional en la perimenopausia y la menopausia / Mental health and emotional wellbeing in the perimenopause and menopause Booklet (Spanish)

Si está experimentando la perimenopausia o la menopausia y ha comenzado a […]

Hvordan sette søkelys på overgangsalder på arbeidsplassen / Creating and working in a menopause confident organisation Booklet (Norwegian)

Hvordan sette søkelys på overgangsalder på arbeidsplassen / Creating and working in a menopause confident organisation Booklet (Norwegian)

Dette heftet er skrevet for enkeltpersoner og for arbeidsplasser. For menn, for […]

Mental helse og følelsesmessig velvære i perimenopause og overgangsalder / Mental health and emotional wellbeing in the perimenopause and menopause Booklet  (Norwegian)

Mental helse og følelsesmessig velvære i perimenopause og overgangsalder / Mental health and emotional wellbeing in the perimenopause and menopause Booklet (Norwegian)

Dersom du nå går gjennom perimenopause eller overgangsalder og har begynt å […]

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