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जब आप HRT शुरू करते हैं तो क्या उम्मीद करें / What to expect when you start HRT (Hindi)

जब आप HRT शुरू करते हैं तो क्या उम्मीद करें / What to expect when you start HRT (Hindi)

यह जानना उपयोगी है कि जब आप एचआरटी लेना शुरू करते हैं […]

मेरी कहानी: जीएसएम के साथ रहना / My Story: Living with GSM (Hindi)

मेरी कहानी: जीएसएम के साथ रहना / My Story: Living with GSM (Hindi)

नमस्ते इस लेख में, एमिली हमें बताती है कि जीएसएम (रजोनिवृत्ति के […]

Ellie’s Story: Going Through a Teenage Menopause

Ellie’s Story: Going Through a Teenage Menopause

Published: 2nd October 2020 When Ellie Waters was 14 years old, she was […]

“Why I’ll still take and prescribe HRT”

“Why I’ll still take and prescribe HRT”

In this article written by Dr Louise Newson, and recently published in the Telegraph, she explains why she's sticking with HRT, despite an increase in "scary-sounding headlines." Read on for the full story...

5 Reasons to Boost your Gut Health

5 Reasons to Boost your Gut Health

The gastrointestinal system comprises one long tube with other organs attached and […]

Hva du kan forvente når du starter HRT / What to expect when you start HRT (Norwegian)

Hva du kan forvente når du starter HRT / What to expect when you start HRT (Norwegian)

Translated by Dr Mari Chammas Det er nyttig å vite hva som […]

Min historie: Blodpropprisiko og menopause / My Story: Sticky blood, menopause and me (Norwegian)

Min historie: Blodpropprisiko og menopause / My Story: Sticky blood, menopause and me (Norwegian)

Translated by Dr Mari Chammas Maggie ble diagnostisert med antifosfolipidsyndrom (APS) og […]

Min historie: Å leve med urogenitale symptomer / My Story: Living with GSM (Norwegian)

Min historie: Å leve med urogenitale symptomer / My Story: Living with GSM (Norwegian)

Translated by Dr Mari Chammas I denne artikkelen forteller Emily oss hvordan […]

Min historie: det vanskelige kampen med brystkreft og menopause / My Story: the double whammy of breast cancer and menopause (Norwegian)

Min historie: det vanskelige kampen med brystkreft og menopause / My Story: the double whammy of breast cancer and menopause (Norwegian)

Translated by Dr Mari Chammas Jeg ble diagnostisert med brystkreft i mars […]

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