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Mon histoire: le double coup dur du cancer du sein et de la ménopause / My story: the double whammy of breast cancer and menopause (French)

Mon histoire: le double coup dur du cancer du sein et de la ménopause / My story: the double whammy of breast cancer and menopause (French)

On m’a diagnostiqué un cancer du sein en mars 2012. Ce fut […]

Can I take HRT if I have a risk of a blood clot?

Can I take HRT if I have a risk of a blood clot?

When women reach the menopause, many suffer with debilitating symptoms due to […]

開始荷爾蒙替代療法可能會遇到的情況 / What to expect when you take HRT (Chinese)

開始荷爾蒙替代療法可能會遇到的情況 / What to expect when you take HRT (Chinese)

當您開始使用荷爾蒙替代療法時需要了解什麼情況是正常的,讓你知悉藥物在你的身體裡會發揮什麼作用。 請記住最初幾週開始療程常見的副作用: 流血 這會以幾種不同的方式呈現— 褐色分泌物、紅色的血點,或者大量經血,而且有機會來來回回持續幾週。流血情況通常會在幾週後消失。如果流血的情況持續超過 3 個月,請馬上聯繫您的專業醫療人仕。 乳房 您的乳房可能會變得腫脹、脹痛,或者乳頭周圍變得敏感。這可能會持續數週,但會隨著時間而穩定。選擇穿著合身且有支撐力的胸罩會對這個情況有幫助。 腹脹 您可能會感到腹脹和腹部好像堆積了氣體於一樣。這是因為黃體酮引起並會隨著時間而改善。 情緒波動 […]

Acupuncture and Menopause

Acupuncture and Menopause

Some people find that acupuncture can help relieve some of their peri/menopausal symptoms, while others simply find it relaxing and beneficial for their mental wellbeing.

My story: Living with GSM

My story: Living with GSM

In this article, Emily tells us what it’s like to live with […]

HRT – The risks and benefits with Punjabi Translation

HRT – The risks and benefits with Punjabi Translation

Dr Louise Newson explains the risks of HRT as well as detailing […]

Cervical screening is too painful!

Cervical screening is too painful!

Cervical screening (used to be known as smear tests) can be uncomfortable, […]

Can I take my oestrogel on a plane?

Can I take my oestrogel on a plane?

We often get asked this question by women going holiday wondering whether they […]

Long Covid and the benefits of HRT

Long Covid and the benefits of HRT

Here we share an account from a woman who has been experiencing […]

Mi historia: Vivir con SGM, Síndrome Genitourinario de la menopausia / My story: Living with GSM (Spanish)

Mi historia: Vivir con SGM, Síndrome Genitourinario de la menopausia / My story: Living with GSM (Spanish)

En este artículo, Emily nos cuenta cómo es vivir con SGM (síndrome […]

Mi historia: Sangre pegajosa, la menopausia y yo / My Story: Sticky blood, menopause and me (Spanish)

Mi historia: Sangre pegajosa, la menopausia y yo / My Story: Sticky blood, menopause and me (Spanish)

A Maggie le diagnosticaron síndrome antifosfolípido (SAF) y le dijeron que no […]

Mi historia: el doble golpe del cáncer de mama y la menopausia / My story: the double whammy of breast cancer and menopause (Spanish)

Mi historia: el doble golpe del cáncer de mama y la menopausia / My story: the double whammy of breast cancer and menopause (Spanish)

Me diagnosticaron cáncer de mama en marzo de 2012. Fue un gran […]

Mon histoire: Vivre avec le GSM / My story: Living with GSM (French)

Mon histoire: Vivre avec le GSM / My story: Living with GSM (French)

 Dans cet article, Emily nous raconte ce que c’est que de vivre […]

Mon histoire: Sang épais, Ménopause et Moi / My Story: Sticky blood, menopause and me (French)

Mon histoire: Sang épais, Ménopause et Moi / My Story: Sticky blood, menopause and me (French)

Maggie a reçu un diagnostic de syndrome des antiphospholipides (SPA) et on […]

À quoi vous pouvez vous attendre lorsque vous commencez un THS? / What to expect when you take HRT (French)

À quoi vous pouvez vous attendre lorsque vous commencez un THS? / What to expect when you take HRT (French)

Il est utile de savoir ce qui est normal lorsque vous commencez […]

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