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Am I too young to be menopausal?

Am I too young to be menopausal?

Menopause demystified: looking at the science behind common menopause questions It’s a […]

Menopausal and getting divorced? How to make your split as smooth as possible

Menopausal and getting divorced? How to make your split as smooth as possible

Why mediation and other alternative dispute resolutions can save time, money and […]

Why children are the forgotten victims of menopause

Why children are the forgotten victims of menopause

Dr Lucy Steed offers a personal and professional perspective on how menopause […]

Managing your menopause during Ramadan

Managing your menopause during Ramadan

Tips on HRT, hydration and managing menopause symptoms Ramadan is one of […]

Coping with the clock change

Coping with the clock change

Menopause can mean sleep issues – here’s how to ease into British […]

HRT doses explained

HRT doses explained

What you need to know about hormone replacement during the perimenopause and […]

7 foods to eat more of during the menopause

7 foods to eat more of during the menopause

Here's some foods to fill your plate with

How to talk to your children about the menopause

How to talk to your children about the menopause

Tips on talking menopause with teenagers and younger children Your perimenopause and […]

My story: menopausal migraines, memory slips and hot flushes

My story: menopausal migraines, memory slips and hot flushes

Claire shares her menopause story – and the strategies that have helped […]

Daylight and vitamin D: why you need them during the menopause

Daylight and vitamin D: why you need them during the menopause

How vitamin D can support your bones, and daylight can lift your […]

Menopause and your heart

Menopause and your heart

The lowdown on cardiovascular disease, palpitations and hormones A healthy heart is […]

Safe sex and the menopause: your questions answered

Safe sex and the menopause: your questions answered

Advice on contraception and preventing STIs The perimenopause and menopause can be […]

How does menopause affect my sex drive?

How does menopause affect my sex drive?

The science behind why menopause impacts your libido

Outdoor swimming and the menopause

Outdoor swimming and the menopause

Menopause Specialist Dr Tania Longman on why a daily dip helps her […]

Menopause and smoking: what you need to know

Menopause and smoking: what you need to know

The benefits of quitting and tips on how to do it Cutting […]

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