
A guide to menopause if you’ve had breast cancer

Podcast #293
Navigating menopause in my 30s after ovarian cancer: Suzie’s story

Chemical menopause: what is it and what can I expect?

Podcast #272
My hysterectomy story: here's what I wish I'd known

Podcast #271
Endometrial cancer, the menopause and HRT

Bowel cancer and menopause
Understanding your options if you’ve had bowel cancer

Cervical cancer and the menopause

Podcast #239
Challenging NICE’s draft menopause guidance

Podcast #234
Breast cancer treatment and HRT

Podcast #231
Getting to the truth around HRT and breast cancer with Dr Avrum Bluming

Podcast #190
Supporting women after breast cancer with Dr Tony Branson

Menopause and smoking: what you need to know

Podcast #185
Exploring experiences of menopausal women after breast cancer, with Dr Sarah Ball

Podcast #179
Advancing menopause care after breast cancer with Dr Sarah Glynne

Podcast #172
Learning to make empowered choices after cancer with Dani Binnington
Dani is on a mission to empower women to learn about their choices, seek out specialist menopause care and her goal is for every women to have the conversations with healthcare professionals that they deserve.