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रजोनिवृत्ति लक्षण प्रश्नावली / Menopause Symptom Questionnaire© in Hindi

रजोनिवृत्ति लक्षण प्रश्नावली / Menopause Symptom Questionnaire© in Hindi

Testostérone: pas seulement la cerise sur le gâteau avec Rachel Dawber / Testosterone: not just icing on the cake with Rachel Dawber (French)
Podcast #118

Testostérone: pas seulement la cerise sur le gâteau avec Rachel Dawber / Testosterone: not just icing on the cake with Rachel Dawber (French)

Que sait-on des preuves scientifiques pour pouvoir offrir un choix aux femmes après un cancer du sein, avec Avrum Bluming / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (French)
Podcast #138

Que sait-on des preuves scientifiques pour pouvoir offrir un choix aux femmes après un cancer du sein, avec Avrum Bluming / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (French)

Síntomas y tratamiento efectivo para mujeres que experimentan la menopausia - Dra. Sarah Ball y Dra. Louise Newson / Symptoms and effective treatment for women experiencing the menopause - Dr Sarah Ball & Dr Louise Newson (Spanish)
Podcast #001

Síntomas y tratamiento efectivo para mujeres que experimentan la menopausia - Dra. Sarah Ball y Dra. Louise Newson / Symptoms and effective treatment for women experiencing the menopause - Dr Sarah Ball & Dr Louise Newson (Spanish)

Davina McCall: Hacer un documental sobre la menopausia me dejó llorando / Davina McCall: Making a menopause documentary left me in tears (Spanish)
Podcast #001

Davina McCall: Hacer un documental sobre la menopausia me dejó llorando / Davina McCall: Making a menopause documentary left me in tears (Spanish)

5 Reasons to Boost your Gut Health

5 Reasons to Boost your Gut Health

balance Posters - Norwegian Translated

balance Posters - Norwegian Translated

Hvordan sette søkelys på overgangsalder på arbeidsplassen / Creating and working in a menopause confident organisation Booklet (Norwegian)

Hvordan sette søkelys på overgangsalder på arbeidsplassen / Creating and working in a menopause confident organisation Booklet (Norwegian)

Forskjellen mellom menopause og perimenopause [med tegnspråk] / The difference between the menopause and perimenopause [with sign language] (Norwegian)

Forskjellen mellom menopause og perimenopause [med tegnspråk] / The difference between the menopause and perimenopause [with sign language] (Norwegian)

Min historie: Blodpropprisiko og menopause / My Story: Sticky blood, menopause and me (Norwegian)

Min historie: Blodpropprisiko og menopause / My Story: Sticky blood, menopause and me (Norwegian)

Min historie: Å leve med urogenitale symptomer / My Story: Living with GSM (Norwegian)

Min historie: Å leve med urogenitale symptomer / My Story: Living with GSM (Norwegian)

Symptomer og effektiv behandling for kvinner i peri/menopause / Symptoms and effective treatment for women experiencing the menopause - Dr. Sarah Ball og Dr. Louise Newson (Norwegian)
Podcast #001

Symptomer og effektiv behandling for kvinner i peri/menopause / Symptoms and effective treatment for women experiencing the menopause - Dr. Sarah Ball og Dr. Louise Newson (Norwegian)

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  1. We’ve moved to a bigger home at balance for Dr Louise Newson to host all her content.

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