Symptoms of the menopause [Skill Boosters Video]
Dr Louise Newson has been working with Skill Boosters, a company that offers video-based training for inclusion, leadership and teamwork, to create informative menopause training resources.
What is the menopause and when does it begin? [Skill Boosters Video]
Dr Louise Newson has been working with Skill Boosters, a company that offers video-based training for inclusion, leadership and teamwork, to create informative menopause training resources.
Managing genitourinary syndrome of the menopause (GSM)
One of the most consistently identified predictors of impaired sexual health in […]
258I’m 27 and perimenopausal: how testosterone helped my symptoms
This week on the podcast, Dr Louise is joined by Elin Sullivan, […]
067Genitourinary syndrome of the menopause – Professor James Simon and Dr Louise Newson
Dr Louise Newson chats with Professor James Simon