Protect your immune system this winter
As cold and flu season arrives, learn how to stay well
- Discover why you’re more prone to colds and flu during the winter months
- Consider diet tweaks to support your immune system
- Why exercise, relaxation and sleep are your friends this winter
While it can seem inevitable you’ll get a cold this winter – adults experience an average of two to three colds per year [1] – there are things you can do to help your immune system respond to bacteria and viruses, so that you don’t have to suffer.
As a kid, you were probably told to wrap up warm to prevent a cold, and recently, researchers uncovered the reason we get more colds and respiratory illnesses in winter – the cold air damages the defence mechanism in the nose [2]. If you’re vulnerable to viruses, you may want to consider wearing a mask as it will help keep your nasal cavity warmer, which will help the immune defence mechanism do its job.
Also keep on top of your vaccinations – you can check if you are eligible for flu and pneumococcal vaccines on the NHS on its website.
Your immunity will be affected by numerous factors, including your diet, exercise, whether you get enough vitamin D, your sleep and stress levels. While you may not be able to completely prevent your exposure to viruses and bacteria, you can make changes to your daily life that will help support your immune system.
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Your diet
Vitamin C
Eating plenty of food rich in vitamin C (for example broccoli, red peppers, citrus fruits oranges and blackcurrants) has been shown to support your immunity [3]. You should be able to get your daily requirement – 40mg – through diet alone.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D also helps to support your immune system [4]. It’s not present in sufficiently high quantities in foods (you can find it in the likes of oily fish and fortified foods such as cereals) so the NHS recommends supplementing with 10mcg or 400 IU per day, during the autumn and winter [5].
Some studies have shown that the mineral zinc helps support the body’s immune system [6]. Women need about 7mg zinc a day and should be able to get enough through diet alone. Zinc-rich foods to tuck into include: shellfish (particularly oysters) and fish, meat, dairy foods, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and almonds.
Probiotics and prebiotics
There is a strong link between what we eat, the microbes in our gut (microbiome) and our health. Around 70-80% of your immune cells are in your gut [7], and studies have found that probiotics and prebiotics can influence gut immunity [8]. Probiotics are live microorganisms that maintain or improve the good gut bacteria (microbiota), while prebiotics feed the gut microbiota.
Prebiotics can be found in raw vegetables and fruit, fermented pickles or dairy products, while probiotics occur naturally in cultured or fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut.
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Keeping hydrated is important for general health and studies have shown that exercise-induced dehydration can impact how well your immune cells do their job. While it can seem easier to drink plenty of water in the hot summer months, it’s important to drink enough in the winter too.
Things to limit
Sugary food and drinks, and food with a lot of white flour ingredients may reduce your immune functions [9] so try to restrict these.
Just as exercise keeps you healthy, it can also improve your immunity – the key is to make sure you get the right amount. The NHS advises we do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, spread over four to five days, plus strengthening exercises two days a week. Research has shown that moderate exercise lowers inflammation intensity and reducing susceptibility to respiratory infections [10].
However, it’s important not to over exercise, particularly when you are tired, as this has been shown to suppress the immune system. Listen to your body.
Don’t be put off by the cold weather though – it’s thought the cold can improve endurance, plus exercising outdoors can boost your mood.
Reduce stress
Most of us experience stressful moments but these are often unavoidable and have a minimal impact on your immunity. But when stress is more chronic, and lasts days or weeks, the increase in the stress hormone cortisol can reduce the production of white blood cells, which suppress the immune system. You’ll then be more susceptible to colds and viruses.
Learn how to manage your stress by exploring activities such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, exercise or spending time with friends and family.
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There is strong evidence that sleep provides essential support to your immune system. When you sleep there is an increased production of cytokines, proteins that act as messengers for the immune system, which are associated with inflammation. If you are ill or injured, this inflammation can help aid recovery but if you are well, it can work to strengthen adaptive immunity [12].
Conversely, sleep deprivation can make you sick – it has been shown to lead to a lower resistance to illness [13] and has been linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes.
Try to stick to a consistent routine, with the same bedtime and same awake time. You might find it helpful to use an app to help meditate, unwind or drift off to sleep, plus keep your room dark and cool, and stay off screens for an hour before you go to bed.
Let’s face it, winter in the UK can be a little bleak but we do know that moderate exposure to sunlight can have a positive impact on your immune system – your body makes the important nutrient vitamin D when it’s exposed to sunlight. From October to March, it’s still worth getting outside (it’s especially good for your mental health), but take a vitamin D supplement to keep your levels topped up.
RELATED: daylight and vitamin D: why you need them during the menopause
- NICE: common cold prevalence
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- NHS vitamin D
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