All about Dr Louise’s theatre tour Hormones and Menopause: The Great Debate
This week on the podcast Dr Louise meets comedian Anne Gildea, who will be joining Louise on her 34-date theatre tour this autumn, Hormones and Menopause: The Great Debate.
Anne, a founding member of Irish musical-comedy trio The Nualas talks to Louise about her diagnosis of breast cancer, aged 45, and her ensuing menopausal symptoms, which she was unprepared for. She explains how her research inspired her to create her own show, How to Get the Menopause and Enjoy It.
Louise and Anne discuss why they’ve come together to create a new show that will take you on a journey through the history of women’s health and lead you to see menopause and hormones in a whole different light.
Finally, the pair share some of the reasons they think people should come to the show:
- It’ll be a wonderful night out – a real sharing experience where you can also have a laugh.
- There’ll be lots to learn with new content and a sharing of knowledge.
- You’ll be able to ask questions and gets answers. Some shows will also have doctors available in the interval but Louise will answer questions on the stage as well.
You can follow Anne on Instagram @annegildea
To buy tickets to the show click here
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Dr Louise: [00:00:07] Hello, I’m Dr Louise Newson, I’m a GP and menopause specialist, and I’m also the founder of the Newson Health Menopause and Wellbeing Centre here in Stratford-upon -Avon. I’m also the founder of the free balance app. Each week on my podcast, join me and my special guests where we discuss all things perimenopause and menopause. We talk about the latest research, bust myths on menopause symptoms and treatments, and often share moving and always inspirational personal stories. This podcast is brought to you by the Newson Health Group, which has clinics across the UK dedicated to providing individualised perimenopause and menopause care for all women. Today I’m doing something slightly different. I’m recording my podcast in the studio, so I’m going to be filmed in real life with proper equipment, not just on my screen. And I’ve got a special guest here today Anne Gildea, who’s come over from Dublin. Difficult journey, which will explain in a bit, but she’s here in real life. We’re going to be talking about the tour that we’re doing, soon, which is going to start in the autumn. So welcome Anne, thanks for coming today. You’ve seen the clinic, you’ve seen my second home, and we’ve got loads planned, haven’t we? [00:01:29][82.1]
Anne: [00:01:29] Yeah, I’m really excited about it, Louise. And it’s amazing. There’s nothing like meeting in person. And you just… There’s something magic about picking up the energy people, I think that’s beginning to be lost and there’s so much Zoom and everything now. It’s just… [00:01:43][14.0]
Dr Louise: [00:01:44] It’s exactly the same for when I see patients. It’s very convenient. It’s very easy to do things online. But actually you just the energy, the warmth, everything. You just learn different things about people. [00:01:56][12.3]
Anne: [00:01:57] You do and you just get a feel. And it’s an intuitive thing. It’s an animal thing. [00:02:02][4.8]
Dr Louise: [00:02:02] Yeah. Absolutely. Totally. So I’m very grateful because there’s a train strike today so you haven’t had the best journey! [00:02:09][6.9]
Anne: [00:02:11] My God Louise! Like I had my whole journey planned. I got my tickets and I had them already to go and I went to the train station and it’s like there’s no trains today. I had a real menopausal moment. It was like oh, it doesn’t compute. It was so funny that it took me. I thought oh well I’ll get the bus into Birmingham. There’s bound to be loads of coaches to Stratford. I took an hour and a half on the bus, so I’ve seen all the suburbs of Birmingham. And then it was funny because I, I just had to make transport decisions and think my brain was… [00:02:45][33.7]
Dr Louise: [00:02:45] So you’ve used your brain well. Despite being menopausal. But really it was great because when Chris Davis, who’s organising the show, said, I want you to meet Anne, I want you to look at her work. I had a little Goggle, had a read, had a watch, had a listen, had a laugh. And what you’ve done has been incredible. But I’m really keen to hear, like, how you got into even thinking about menopause and let alone doing a stand-up comedy show. [00:03:11][25.4]
Anne: [00:03:12] Well, I’d had this act and this reason I know Chris through other producers I’d worked with in the UK before, this act called The Nualas, and we were a comedy musical trio and we turned, we toured a lot in the UK and that was my Chris connection. And then we had come off the road, we’d finished doing that and so I needed to do something else, and so was in my 50s by then and I thought it would be really interesting to write something about being in mid-life, but it was going off in every direction. So it was my partner Paul, who said to me, he gave me, he just gave me the title. He wrote it on the whiteboard, how to get the menopause and enjoy it. And he went, that’s your title. And I was extremely resistant. [00:03:53][41.2]
Dr Louise: [00:03:54] Were you, why? [00:03:54][0.3]
Anne: [00:03:55] Yeah, I just felt such negativity around the word menopause. Now, this is several years ago, it was during lockdown, and there is a real moment where everybody’s talking about menopause now. But back then it was still a little, a lot of silence around it. And I just thought, well, at that point I was post-menopausal and I thought, I just I don’t want to go there, it’s medicalised. It’s just like, kind of sweaty, irritated women. That’s the image you get. And then I started reading about it and, the scales fell from my eyes. I kind of went into shock for a while. [00:04:28][33.0]
Dr Louise: [00:04:28] Did you? [00:04:28][0.2]
Anne: [00:04:29] Yeah, because I realised all I didn’t know, and I realised I knew nothing about my body. And I thought menopause was something that you just went through and then it’s over. I didn’t realise that the long-term effect of that hormone depletion and so one of the first things I did, was I went on HRT, I just thought… [00:04:53][24.2]
Dr Louise: [00:04:53] So you hadn’t thought about it before? [00:04:54][0.3]
Anne: [00:04:54] I absolutely hadn’t. I think I had this, I’d heard something about the Women’s… or the World… [00:04:59][5.7]
Dr Louise: [00:05:00] The Women’s Health Initiative. [00:05:00][0.0]
Anne: [00:05:02] Yeah. Women’s Health Initiative study. So the shadow of that was definitely still hanging over the whole HRT piece. So I thought, well, I can’t, I’d also had had breast cancer. So I just thought, not for me even though my cancer wasn’t oestrogen positive, it was triple negative. But I just thought no, it’s there’s too many negatives around it. But it was just a received opinion without looking into it. And then when I just got all the facts, I just I was yeah shocked that I had such ignorance. That there’s such general ignorance around what happens in our bodies. And I think particularly now, because, we all live longer and sustaining our health, post-menopausally is so important. It’s not just about treating those symptoms. It’s about keeping healthy into old age. [00:06:00][58.2]
Dr Louise: [00:06:01] Yeah. Menopause has been just portrayed as an annoyance, actually. You know, I knew when I started doing first presentation, like, ten years or so ago just to a group of healthcare professionals and just Googling menopause and thinking about it. It’s always hot flushes, it’s always night sweats, it’s always middle aged whereas we know 1 in 30 women under the age of 40 are menopausal so they’re not middle aged. It’s always like overweight woman with a fan with sort of beads of sweat. And then it’s sort of used a bit as a butt of jokes, oh she’s menopausal. Ignore her. Like, it’s just like very patronising really. And it’s something that actually women are very vulnerable when their menopausal. But they don’t understand necessarily exactly how it’s affecting our brains, how it’s really affecting us the bigger picture, because it’s never been talked about as a brain disorder. It’s a flushes, sweats disorder. And like you say it’s something that we’ll get through. And I think when people realise that you never get through the menopause and you want to make it a really positive experience, but if you haven’t got the knowledge, how can you make something positive when you don’t know what it means? [00:07:10][69.6]
Anne: [00:07:11] Louise, that is exactly the part that I just I had no realisation of that. And I think what I found shocking was I think it’s something that every woman should know and. [00:07:23][11.9]
Dr Louise: [00:07:24] And every man naturally. [00:07:24][0.6]
Anne: [00:07:25] And every man, because, you know, it is an inclusive condition. You don’t have to get it to suffer from it. [00:07:30][5.0]
Dr Louise: [00:07:30] No. [00:07:30][0.0]
Anne: [00:07:31] But it’s not to have negativity around it either. But it’s just, you know, it’s like thinking about the mental health issues around it, the low mood. And, a lot of women, I’m touring this show then, I wrote this show, How to Get the Menopause and Enjoy It, and I’ve actually been on the road three years with it in Ireland now. And, so I talk to a lot of women and it’s not just low mood. A lot of women talk about a lack of confidence then comes along. Like one woman told me she, she didn’t feel confident driving on motorways anymore. Like it begins to, life can begin to contract a little bit. [00:08:10][38.5]
Dr Louise: [00:08:10] It really does shrink, actually. And in fact, in the updated paperback of the book, someone called Joanne Harris, you might know she’s an author, she wrote a great book called Chocolat, talks about women being invisible and how convenient it is for society for women to be invisible. And I think there is a lot of invisibility in menopause and not wanted invisibility. But you’re absolutely right. I know when I was perimenopausal, I didn’t want to go out. I felt really flat, just very joyless. You just, everything’s a bit, you know, it’s not just thinking in treacle, you are wading in treacle. Everything’s an effort. And it’s like, oh, I just don’t want to. It’s just like, and this isn’t me. And then you compound it when people have got anxiety and thinking, like you say, not driving, I see lots of women who don’t go on a bus, they don’t go on the underground. So then they’re like, where they go out is very small. Then they stop going to work. They’ve stopped their identity, as who they are. It’s really awful. And it’s happened for many, many years hasn’t it? [00:09:16][65.8]
Anne: [00:09:16] Yeah, I’ve talked to women too who may be feeling that vulnerability too. And then in their job they’re having to do presentations and suddenly they’re having a hot flush. And you know, as these things build up, women do just go, I actually can’t do this any more. And they just step out of the workforce. They… [00:09:33][16.8]
Dr Louise: [00:09:34] Which you know, it’s 2024. I’m really shocked that we’ve got a treatable condition, that’s treatable with safe treatment. That the majority of women worldwide are not getting. [00:09:47][13.4]
Anne: [00:09:48] As you know, there’s still so many doctors who will say, is it safe? And you’ve all those warnings around cancer that relate to you know, that study? [00:09:57][8.6]
Dr Louise: [00:09:57] Yes. Well the study, the WHI study, which we know isn’t actually relevant because the type of HRT we prescribe is different. But even that study didn’t show the effects that were put in the media and the medical press, actually, because it was reported in the wrong way and reported wrongly, actually. But even this risk of breast cancer wasn’t statistically significant either. So it’s irrelevant. [00:10:21][23.4]
Anne: [00:10:21] Yeah, but you were saying a whole interesting piece too around the anti-inflammatory element of oestrogen and it’s almost anti-cancer rather than oh no it’s bad. When it’s gone it’s gone. [00:10:35][13.2]
Dr Louise: [00:10:36] Yeah, that’s exactly right. So the arm of the study that only gave oestrogen, so women who’ve had a hysterectomy, removal of the womb, often only have oestrogen. Those women when they were followed up, had a lower instance, 23% lower incidence, of breast cancer. So oestrogen seems to be protective of breast cancer, which really blows people’s mind when we’ve all grown up thinking that oestrogen is bad. But then also you think, you know, my 13-year-old daughter who hasn’t learned anything about oestrogen at school, but is like, Mummy, how can your own hormone be a bad thing? It doesn’t make sense biologically that we have something in our bodies that our body turns against us. It just doesn’t work like that. [00:11:18][42.3]
Anne: [00:11:19] Yeah but then that’s another piece around having hormone replacement that, you know, I have met women who go, it’s a natural process, menopause. And that’s unnatural. So why would you, just go with the flow but that, you know, the whole.. [00:11:36][16.9]
Dr Louise: [00:11:36] It’s really interesting isn’t it, the whole natural thing. And I think actually when you unpick what does natural mean because it’s associated with ageing, is a massive philosophical and medical debate. Is ageing natural or not? Which is very interesting. We actually, as we were saying before, our life expectancy is so much greater than it used to be. So actually, is it natural that we live to our 70s and 80s? Who knows? We don’t know but we never used to live that long for sure. But then also there’s a lot of conditions now, for example, raised blood pressure is related to ageing as well. It’s more common as we get older. But I wouldn’t not treat someone’s raised blood pressure because they’re in their 70s, because if I don’t treat it, that person has an increased incidence of a heart attack. So we treat the blood pressure, get it lower to normal range to reduce the risk of a heart attack. With menopause, as you found out when you did your reading, there is an increased risk of a heart attack when people are menopausal. Taking HRT halves that incidence of, or the risk of a heart attack. So actually, you could argue it’s in a similar way that we’re doing it. [00:12:47][71.5]
Anne: [00:12:48] Exactly. And it’s just keeping up. The big part for me was also the link with bone loss, as they call it. I didn’t realise a fall in oestrogen is correlated to that. And I just noticed in the women on my mum’s side of the family is very, you know, we just we’ve accepted this idea of the little old lady, that women would just shrink away. Like I say this in my show, that my mum used to be the same height as me and now she’s just the size of a coffee table. You know, the middle one in a nest. But I actually, I say it in the show and I laugh about it. And then I, I’m based in Dublin, but my mum actually lives in Manchester. And when I go to visit her, I do always do a double take and go, oh, you have, she’s got, she’s really lost so much height. And that is, that’s a real menopause correlation isn’t it. [00:13:43][55.2]
Dr Louise: [00:13:43] Yeah and presumably she’s not on hormones. [00:13:44][0.9]
Anne: [00:13:45] No. [00:13:45][0.0]
Dr Louise: [00:13:45] No. Because there is this shrinkage of the bones, we’ve got loss of bone density, but also the discs reduce in size, so all the discs between. So there’s just a shrinkage of everything, which then can reduce height. But obviously when you’ve got bone loss there’s increased risk of osteoporosis, the thinning of the bones, which is so common, yet we don’t know, well, many people don’t realise how common it is, what it means, but also that HRT can reduce and treat osteoporosis as well. [00:14:17][32.3]
Anne: [00:14:18] That was one of the big reasons I went on the HRT, and because I was, post-menopausal by the time I was reading around it but I just thought, long-term health, but then in particular because I’d really observed it in my mum’s side of the family. [00:14:33][15.1]
Dr Louise: [00:14:34] And so you were quite open about having had breast cancer before. And thankfully everything’s fine for you at the moment. But you were, did you have any chemotherapy or treatment? [00:14:47][12.7]
Dr Louise: [00:14:47] I did, I had… Talk about lack of knowledge, Louise. I had a swelling on my breast, but I had this received thing that cancer was a lump, that I imagined it as a discrete lump. So it was kind of a swelling that’s getting, a bit bigger. And I went, oh, that’s nothing. And then one day I showed it to my sister and I went, Do you think there’s anything? And she went, we’re calling the doctor now. And by the time I actually, went to the hospital, it was actually it was stage three. It kind of, it had gone to all my lymph nodes, I had all my lymph nodes removed. And as well as that I ended up having to have a mastectomy. And yeah, that was, that was quite a shock. [00:15:33][46.6]
Dr Louise: [00:15:34] And did you have any extra treatment? Did you have any chemotherapy? [00:15:36][2.0]
Anne: [00:15:37] Oh I did, sorry, yeah I did. I had chemo first. I had eight rounds of chemo and over four months, dense dose every two weeks. And then, I had a mastectomy and then I had seven weeks of radiation. And then, and then I got a fantastic reconstruction. And the wonderful thing about getting the reconstruction is I had a DIEP flap reconstruction. So it’s my own tissue. You just once it’s all done and dusted, you move on and you forget. I forget that I had cancer. [00:16:12][35.1]
Dr Louise: [00:16:12] Yeah. And were you still having periods when you were diagnosed? [00:16:15][2.8]
Anne: [00:16:16] Yes. And then the oncology. I was 45 years of age and the oncologist said to me, now, you know, the chemotherapy is going to shut everything down. And given your age, your periods are probably not going to come back. Now, they did come back a little bit and then they just petered out again. Here’s the thing, I would, and I talk about this on my show too. I would’ve said, you know, I would say maybe about three weeks after I started the chemo, I started having awful night sweats. As I say, every night I was wringing out the bed sheets, my nightie, my boyfriend’s neck. And I didn’t correlate that with menopause, but of course, because it shuts everything down, it had also shut down the hormone production, and I was plunged into menopause, as so many women are when they’re going through chemo. But that was never mentioned. And I suppose there’s so much else going on. I wish it had been mentioned because once I’d been through treatment, I was so relieved. And I actually, I went to this brilliant hospital in Dublin called Saint James’s, and all the doctors were amazing. And I was so inspired by the whole experience that when I came out the other end of it, I just had this new love of life and positivity about moving forward, but I had, terrible low moods and I thought, well, that low mood is definitely not circumstantial. So because I’m so low, this is a disposition, I have a disposition to low mood. This has just been that the cancer treatment had worked so well. So I was applying the science to my own mind. And God, this is dispositional and low mood and I should go on antidepressants. And I actually was on quite a strong dose of an antidepressant called Cymbalta for, for four and a half years because I thought I just had this disposition to low mood and I’ll just medicate it away. I look back and I go, that was totally a menopausal symptom. That’s why my mood was low. And I wish I’d had information around menopause and effects of hormone depletion at the time because I would never have gone on antidepressants. It was totally about that. And that’s why it felt strange. And then, it would have been a good time to talk about maybe some hormone replacement and to try a hormonal way of balancing out the mood. [00:18:52][156.9]
Dr Louise: [00:18:53] Yeah. Which has happened so often. I did a presentation yesterday to women and most of them have been offered or given antidepressants. And it seems so easy to get antidepressants, yet so hard to get hormones, which is wrong. And there’s so much that needs to change. But empowerment is good. Education is good. You learn more when you’re happy, don’t you? [00:19:18][24.4]
Anne: [00:19:18] Absolutely. Do you know with, it’s like medicine looks at women and goes, oh, they’re so complicated. Should we just tranquillise them? You know, it is like that. Just tranquillise them away as they drift post reproductively. They just drift away into the twilight years. [00:19:35][16.6]
Dr Louise: [00:19:35] And there is a bit of put up and shut up because other generations have done it. Why can’t you? And then that makes it harder to ask for help. So yeah, laughter is a great best medicine. You learn more as I said, when you’re happy. So your show, which I’ve seen bits of, people are really happy. They really love it. They love it, I think what I can see and tell me if I’m wrong, is that they they can relate to what you’re saying in a way that they’ve probably not been able to admit before that they’re experiencing similar symptoms. [00:20:07][32.1]
Anne: [00:20:08] That’s what women say to me and write to me. They go, you told my life. And, that relatability piece is so important. And I think it’s it’s coming through just the story of being a woman. And then when I add in the information, it makes it quite compelling. And then I pitch the whole piece around, menopause as reverse puberty. And I just say, think back to when you went through puberty and your body starts producing all these hormones, think of the profound effect and changes that had, that ensued. Well, now, you’re going through the other end of that, you know, you go through this depletion. So it’s a kind of an equal and opposite thing. So because I talk, frame it in that way, then I talk a lot about growing up in the 70s and 80s and I just remind women of things that are, like things like the sanitary products we used to have, like and the intimacy and remembrance of that, always gets a good laugh. [00:21:21][72.4]
Dr Louise: [00:21:22] But it’s important. I think women need to understand that they’re not alone. That’s really, really important because as we’ve already said, it’s really isolating. So your thoughts about the tour that we’re doing. I’m quite… I’ve never been on tour before. I’m feeling quite excited, bit nervous. [00:21:37][15.1]
Anne: [00:21:38] You know what I’m really excited about? Like, I’m really excited. I got really passionate about menopause when I started reading up about it. I’m really excited to be working with you because you’re an absolute expert in the field. And I love hearing the facts coming from the mouth of an expert. And like some of the detail you were explaining to me earlier and the information is still not out there in the full, you know, the full breadth of it. So that’s the thing I’m really passionate about. To be working with you Louise is totally immersed in all the cutting edge research around it and that you’re continually talking to women, with your patients and everything. You just know that… [00:22:27][49.5]
Dr Louise: [00:22:28] Yeah. I mean, I’m looking forward to sharing content that we’ve not spoken about before, that I have not spoken about through my book or other podcasts or other media, because there’s a lot I’ve been reading a lot of women’s history books as well actually, I think it’s so interesting, and medical books from the past as well, mainly written by men, I hasten to add, male doctors, but just people’s perceptions of what menopause is and how it affects women, and the treatments. [00:22:56][27.8]
Anne: [00:22:57] Oh the treatments, like for the what was it, the wandering womb in Ancient Greece or that they used to put leeches on women’s cervix? [00:23:07][9.3]
Dr Louise: [00:23:07] I know, I know, it’s incredible what women have gone through and endured, but what they still are enduring now. So a lot of that we can tease out, which will be great. I’m really looking forward to working with you. And how to again, life is something that can be very sad but also very frustrating. But I want some of that frustration to keep coming out because I think if you’re frustrated, you’re more likely to change things and you change the needle because this is actually something that’s affecting 1.2 billion women globally. It’s not just something that affects a certain demographic or a certain type of woman. We can’t escape from it. But actually to learn and to realise quite the injustice of what’s going on as well. And if you’re feeling alright, you’ll definitely know a friend or a relative or someone who isn’t or is struggling to get help. So I’m hoping it will group and join people together. [00:24:12][64.5]
Anne: [00:24:14] The thing I really like touring theatres is that women really love that environment. They love coming out together in groups. And it’s wonderful to make people laugh. It just opens everybody. And, it’s almost a spiritual experience. So I think it’s there’s that lift too. [00:24:33][19.0]
Dr Louise: [00:24:34] I get that. I’ve done a few book events, and I did one last week actually, down in Henley, and I was with Kate Muir, who’s absolutely brilliant, and we’re waiting to go on and just the buzz in theatre. Normally in theatres people talk or mumble, but there’s this energy where people were really happy and we did a question and answer as well. And this lady she was so lovely she said, I’m 82. I’ve been on HRT 30 years. I’m never going to stop it. And actually, the whole audience just clapped. They were all there with her in the room, you know, really supportive. And I thought, actually, there’s so not many live groups where people are there together. You know, you’re in your own little group, aren’t you but actually, the whole theatre were there by the end of it. [00:25:14][39.8]
Anne: [00:25:16] That is the thing that women say to me in my show that, in the intermission, that it’s like everybody, like the queue for the loo, everybody’s talking to each other, that there is suddenly you’ve opened up the topic, and that 80-year-old woman is lucky because I’ve met 80-year-old women who were, I’ve met 80-year-old women who had hysterectomies in their 50s, and they were and they were allowed HRT for a few years. And then the doctor absolutely insisted that they had to come off it. And you know, that was the received opinion that you couldn’t stay on it long term. That was another revelation I had researching the show that actually, you know, that you could carry on and that it actually does sustain your health. [00:26:00][44.5]
Dr Louise: [00:26:02] Yeah, it’s so important. People don’t realise that so there’s lots of myths that we want to dispel. Lots of facts that people can learn from quite a lot that people hopefully won’t know or won’t have put in context. And I think having the show, the context is really important. But we’re also going to do a Q&A as well. So I’m hoping there’ll be lots of questions from the audience. And that will vary every night, of course. [00:26:28][25.7]
Anne: [00:26:28] And that’s the exciting thing about you bringing your knowledge into that environment, because this specific detail you have… I’ve done a lot of research around it, but I haven’t heard it expressed so clearly and just the nuance around things like cancer, not cancer, the subtle effects of what the hormones are actually doing is really important information. [00:26:53][25.2]
Dr Louise: [00:26:54] Yeah, and I feel cheated as a doctor that I haven’t been allowed to have this information. You know, I wasn’t given it at medical school, I wasn’t given it as a postgraduate. I wasn’t given it as a GP trainee. I’ve searched and researched myself, but it’s all out there. But it’s hard to find something when you don’t know where to go. [00:27:13][18.6]
Anne: [00:27:13] But it’s also you bringing it all together. I think, I’m sure you know, I have never well like when I read your book, I hadn’t seen such a clear, concise, collation of all that detail. [00:27:25][11.9]
Dr Louise: [00:27:27] Yeah. So, well hopefully there’ll be lots and lots and this will, just empower people to think differently I think. And what you were saying even about your show making menopause positive, making it healthy as possible, making it something that is right for each individual as well. Because, you know, neither of us are judgemental about others. We just want women to be able to decide and do what’s right for them. So really great that you’re coming over to do the live podcast, in real life. Just really wanted to ask you three take-home tips. So I always ask for three tips. So three reasons why you think people should either buy a ticket for themselves or buy a ticket for somebody else to come to see us in the show. [00:28:13][46.6]
Anne: [00:28:14] I think that it’ll be a wonderful night out. I think I just know from touring around my own show, it is a real sharing experience. So, I’ve had three generations of families come along, daughter, mum, grandmum. So there’s a wonderful sharing and, have a good laugh, but learn. [00:28:37][23.7]
Dr Louise: [00:28:39] Yeah, yeah. Really good. So I’m going to give my three, which are like I give my three reasons why people could come. I think firstly it’s going to be a different event. It’s not going to be something that people have heard before. So for new content, really important. The other thing is the availability that they will have more of my knowledge that I can share to people, hopefully in a way that people can understand and take home from. And obviously, thirdly, the opportunity that people can ask questions and have answers. Some of the shows I’ve got some of my doctors who work with me are going to be there in the show as well so in the interval, so they will be able to answer questions, but obviously I’ll answer questions on the stage as well. So thanks ever so much Anne for coming today. It’s been wonderful having you here in person to do my podcast. [00:29:28][49.6]
Anne: [00:29:29] My pleasure Louise, and it’s just wonderful to meet you. [00:29:31][2.4]
Dr Louise: [00:29:32] Thank you. You can find out more about Newson Health Group by visiting and you can download the free balance app on the App Store or Google Play. [00:29:32][0.0]
