102Melanie Martins: Treat me like a patient but there’s no ‘one size fits all’
This episode features a very open and honest account from GP and […]
Family history of breast cancer: Should I take HRT? Factsheet
This factsheet is for you if you have a family history of […]
138Que sait-on des preuves scientifiques pour pouvoir offrir un choix aux femmes après un cancer du sein, avec Avrum Bluming / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (French)
L’oncologue médical, le Dr Avrum Bluming, fait un retour tout à fait […]
231Getting to the truth around HRT and breast cancer with Dr Avrum Bluming
Leading US oncologist Dr Avrum Bluming joins Dr Louise Newson to talk […]
001Explicar lo que la evidencia muestra para ofrecer opciones a las mujeres después del cáncer de mama, con Avrum Bluming / Explaining what the evidence shows to offer choice to women after breast cancer, with Avrum Bluming (Spanish)
El oncólogo médico, el Dr. Avrum Bluming, regresa al podcast esta semana […]