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Looking for treatment?

Newson Health Welbeing Centre has UK-wide clinics, offering in-person and virtual consultations. Our team will take time to listen to you, discuss your symptoms and offer a comprehansive treatment plan, tailored to your needs and preferences.

Looking for treatment for your perimenopause & menopause?
Book an appointment

Newson Health Welbeing Centre has UK-wide clinics, offering in-person and virtual consultations. Our team will take time to listen to you, discuss your symptoms and offer a comprehansive treatment plan, tailored to your needs and preferences.

The effects of trauma, gender bias and the peri/menopause with Dr Jan Smith

The effects of trauma, gender bias and the peri/menopause with Dr Jan Smith

Iron Factsheet

Iron Factsheet

Find out in this factsheet how what iron is and why do we need it? Why iron is important for women, how much iron we should have every day and food sources of iron.

What I have learnt since falling in love with menopause care with Dr Abbie Laing

What I have learnt since falling in love with menopause care with Dr Abbie Laing

Dr Nighat Arif on Ramadan and HRT [Video]

Dr Nighat Arif on Ramadan and HRT [Video]

In this video you can learn from Dr Arif how you can continue to take your HRT whilst fasting.

My story: Hormone changes triggered my OCD and depression

My story: Hormone changes triggered my OCD and depression

In this article, we hear from Anna - who has a history of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and bouts of depression. Her mental health had been stable for 12 years then, at the age of 45, she fell into a deep depression that left her suicidal – and it didn’t begin to lift until she started HRT.

Plant-based living with Happy Pear’s Dave and Steve Flynn

Plant-based living with Happy Pear’s Dave and Steve Flynn

balance Posters - Danish Translated

balance Posters - Danish Translated

What to do if you can’t obtain your usual estrogen gel?

What to do if you can’t obtain your usual estrogen gel?

There are continuing to be some problems with the availability of estrogen gel in the UK but these are likely to be short term and not last for a long time. There are other preparations of estrogen available which may be worth trying while you wait for the supply problems to be resolved.

Changing minds about food and diets with Dr Robert Lustig

Changing minds about food and diets with Dr Robert Lustig

Helping others feel less alone with POI with Ava Vanderstarren

Helping others feel less alone with POI with Ava Vanderstarren

Raising awareness of endometriosis and surgical menopause with Vicki Shattock

Raising awareness of endometriosis and surgical menopause with Vicki Shattock

Long COVID and female hormones booklet

Long COVID and female hormones booklet

Looking for Menopause Doctor? You’re in the right place!

  1. We’ve moved to a bigger home at balance for Dr Louise Newson to host all her content.

You can browse all our evidence-based and unbiased information in the Menopause Library.