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HRT prescriptions in England – Dr Sarah Hillman and Dr Louise Newson

In this episode of the Newson Health podcast series, Dr Louise Newson is joined by Dr Sarah Hillman, a GP and clinical lecturer in Primary Care at the University of Warwick.

Sarah talks about a piece of research she has recently published that looks at HRT prescriptions in England. The research shows that women in deprived areas are less likely to be prescribed HRT and Sarah talks to Dr Newson about why this matters. 

Sarah and Dr Newson also discuss a menopause event at Warwick University and how important engagement is within women’s workplaces. 

Dr Sarah Hillman’s Three Take Home Tips:

  1. Speak to your GP about your menopause, and ask which GP has an interest in women’s health.
  2. Have a look online for evidence-based research. including the new Balance app.
  3. Make time to think about your body and how to get help through the menopause, it’s hard to always find time, but you need to be well in order to look after others and function at work.   
HRT prescriptions in England – Dr Sarah Hillman and Dr Louise Newson

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