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The big M – Kate Irvine and Dr Louise Newson

In this podcast, Dr Louise Newson is joined by Kate Irvine and together they discuss Kate’s online perimenopause and menopause survey, The Big M. 

Kate began her survey as a way to find out how women really feel about the perimenopause and menopause, including which aspects of the Big M women find the most difficult, whether they felt they could discuss it with anyone and whether they had any help getting through it. Kate hopes to be able to use the information given to help other women in the future. Kate also intends to compile the detailed responses into a  book which helps women to feel better about what they are going through, she and Dr Newson discuss how the idea for the book came about, and how Kate hopes it will work. 

During this podcast, Dr Newson and Kate touch on several different topics which the survey highlighted, such as realising you are perimenopausal, how helpful GPs can be (or otherwise), women leaving the workforce because of their symptoms, the over-prescribing of anti-depressants and symptoms such as vaginal atrophy. Ultimately they agreed that talking is vital and makes you feel better, and Kate hopes that (if published!) reading her book will be like having a chat with friends about a common issue. 

The survey is still open for responses, or if you just want to email her about any aspect of your menopause experience you can reach her at: 

Kate Irvine’s Three Take Home Tips:

  1. Don’t feel alone! Don’t be frightened to talk about it – communicate with your friends.
  2. Look for helpful evidence-based advice such as the resources on balance app and the British Menopause Society website
  3. If your GP hasn’t been the most helpful, look for a doctor that specialises in the menopause. They should be better informed.
The big M – Kate Irvine and Dr Louise Newson

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