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What is the perimenopause? A quick guide

What is the perimenopause? A quick guide

Think you might be perimenopausal and looking for a simple explanation?

Dizziness and the menopause

Dizziness and the menopause

Feeling lightheaded is a surprisingly common symptom of the perimenopause and menopause […]

Bowel cancer and menopause

Bowel cancer and menopause

Understanding your options if you’ve had bowel cancer

Bowel problems in the menopause

Bowel problems in the menopause

If your gut is feeling unsettled, learn how to manage your symptoms […]

IBS and the menopause: what’s the link?

IBS and the menopause: what’s the link?

Advice on managing this complex gut condition What is IBS? Irritable Bowel […]

Menopause and Parkinson’s: what you need to know

Menopause and Parkinson’s: what you need to know

If you have Parkinson’s, you may find it hard to determine if […]

Oestrogen-only tablets: what is Elleste Solo and how do I use it?

Oestrogen-only tablets: what is Elleste Solo and how do I use it?

Elleste Solo tablets are a type of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that […]

Oestrogen-only spray: what is Lenzetto and how do I use it?

Oestrogen-only spray: what is Lenzetto and how do I use it?

Lenzetto is one of the newest types of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). […]

The importance of testosterone for women

The importance of testosterone for women

What happens to this hormone during menopause and how it can affect […]

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder: what you need to know

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder: what you need to know

If your libido disappears, there are steps you can take to regain […]

Why can perimenopause and menopause be so stressful?

Why can perimenopause and menopause be so stressful?

While getting the right diagnosis and treatment can be tough, managing the […]

Bipolar and the perimenopause and menopause

Bipolar and the perimenopause and menopause

Advice on managing and treating symptoms Bipolar affects about 1.3 million people […]

The power of 3: how oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone work

The power of 3: how oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone work

Hormones are chemical messengers found throughout your body, telling it what to […]

Oral health and the menopause

Oral health and the menopause

Experiencing problems with your teeth or gums? Discover how your hormones can […]

Menopause and bleeding gums

Menopause and bleeding gums

Why your gums are inflamed and how to treat them During the […]

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