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Heartburn and the menopause: what’s the link?

Heartburn and the menopause: what’s the link?

How to prevent that uncomfortable feeling after eating Despite its name, heartburn […]

The menopause in 2023 – how far have we come?

The menopause in 2023 – how far have we come?

As the year ends, we look back at some of the headway […]

Fibroids and the menopause

Fibroids and the menopause

What you need to know about managing fibroids before and after the […]

12 (menopausal) tips for Christmas

12 (menopausal) tips for Christmas

It can be the most wonderful time of year, but also the […]

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and the menopause

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and the menopause

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that affects the way the ovaries work. Around 1 in 10 women are thought to have PCOS, which makes it the most common female hormone condition in the UK.

A guide to period tracking

A guide to period tracking

Recording your cycle may help you identify your perimenopause and understand your […]

Protect your immune system this winter

Protect your immune system this winter

As cold and flu season arrives, learn how to stay well While […]

Navigating your diabetes and the menopause

Navigating your diabetes and the menopause

How to balance this complicated condition and your menopausal symptoms Around five […]

Contraception during the menopause and perimenopause

Contraception during the menopause and perimenopause

How to choose the type that best suits you Although pregnancy is […]

Oestrogen-only patches: what is Estradot and how do I use it?

Oestrogen-only patches: what is Estradot and how do I use it?

Estradot patches are a type of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that contain […]

Endometriosis and HRT

Endometriosis and HRT

Advice on how to treat and manage symptoms Endometriosis is the second […]

My story: internal tremors and the menopause

My story: internal tremors and the menopause

An anonymous account of this little-known symptom ‘I’d experienced perimenopausal symptoms such […]

Internal tremors and menopause: what you need to know

Internal tremors and menopause: what you need to know

Feeling strange vibrations can be disconcerting but help is at hand We […]

UTIs and menopause: what’s the link?

UTIs and menopause: what’s the link?

From self-help measures to vaginal oestrogen, how to manage UTIs during the […]

My story: hormones affect everything!

My story: hormones affect everything!

Read about how Adele discovered her hormones were impacting her health

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