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Diabetes and menopause Factsheet

Diabetes and menopause Factsheet

If you’ve been living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes for […]

開始荷爾蒙替代療法可能會遇到的情況 / What to expect when you take HRT (Chinese)

開始荷爾蒙替代療法可能會遇到的情況 / What to expect when you take HRT (Chinese)

當您開始使用荷爾蒙替代療法時需要了解什麼情況是正常的,讓你知悉藥物在你的身體裡會發揮什麼作用。 請記住最初幾週開始療程常見的副作用: 流血 這會以幾種不同的方式呈現— 褐色分泌物、紅色的血點,或者大量經血,而且有機會來來回回持續幾週。流血情況通常會在幾週後消失。如果流血的情況持續超過 3 個月,請馬上聯繫您的專業醫療人仕。 乳房 您的乳房可能會變得腫脹、脹痛,或者乳頭周圍變得敏感。這可能會持續數週,但會隨著時間而穩定。選擇穿著合身且有支撐力的胸罩會對這個情況有幫助。 腹脹 您可能會感到腹脹和腹部好像堆積了氣體於一樣。這是因為黃體酮引起並會隨著時間而改善。 情緒波動 […]

A guide to perimenopause and menopause for women living with HIV Booklet

A guide to perimenopause and menopause for women living with HIV Booklet

‘We Are Still Here’ is a campaign by and for older women […]

Changing body shape during the menopause Booklet

Changing body shape during the menopause Booklet

Nearly all women will experience a change in their body shape during […]

Histamine intolerance Booklet

Histamine intolerance Booklet

Histamine Intolerance (HIT) is a condition that is generally very poorly understood by the medical profession

HRT for those with high inherited risk of cancer Booklet

HRT for those with high inherited risk of cancer Booklet

This booklet has been jointly produced by Dr Louise Newson and Ovarian […]

Menopause and cancer Booklet

Menopause and cancer Booklet

This booklet has been created for women who may experience an early […]

Menopause and clots Booklet

Menopause and clots Booklet

When women reach the menopause, many suffer with debilitating symptoms due to […]

Menopause and me – a guide for younger women Booklet

Menopause and me – a guide for younger women Booklet

The menopause can be a difficult time in the life of a […]

Menopause and perineal tears Booklet

Menopause and perineal tears Booklet

This booklet has been jointly produced by Dr Louise Newson and The […]

Menopause and relationships – a guide for partners Booklet

Menopause and relationships – a guide for partners Booklet

The menopause happens to over 50% of the population and various symptoms […]

Premenstrual syndrome and menopause Booklet

Premenstrual syndrome and menopause Booklet

Premenstrual syndrome (also known as PMS) is when women who have periods […]

Surgical menopause Booklet

Surgical menopause Booklet

Although most women go through their menopause naturally, many women experience an […]

Acupuncture and Menopause

Acupuncture and Menopause

Some people find that acupuncture can help relieve some of their peri/menopausal symptoms, while others simply find it relaxing and beneficial for their mental wellbeing.

My story: Living with GSM

My story: Living with GSM

In this article, Emily tells us what it’s like to live with […]

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