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Micronised progesterone or Utrogestan® Factsheet

Micronised progesterone or Utrogestan® Factsheet

What is Utrogestan? Utrogestan is a type of progestogen called ‘micronised progesterone’. […]

Progesterone intolerance

Progesterone intolerance

What is it? Progesterone intolerance is when you are particularly sensitive to […]

Vitamin D Factsheet

Vitamin D Factsheet

One of the ways to look after your health as you go […]

Vaginal dryness Factsheet

Vaginal dryness Factsheet

This leaflet aims to answer your questions about vaginal dryness including what […]

Sleep and hormones Factsheet

Sleep and hormones Factsheet

A disruption to sleeping habits is often the number one complaint from […]

Skin changes during menopause Factsheet

Skin changes during menopause Factsheet

Written by Consultant Dermatologist, Dr Sajjad Rajpar Skin changes are very common […]

Pelvic floor health during the menopause Factsheet

Pelvic floor health during the menopause Factsheet

Written by Jane Simpson, Continence Nurse Specialist all the time Does the […]

Migraine and menopause Factsheet

Migraine and menopause Factsheet

What is migraine? A migraine is a moderate or severe headache ­ […]

Menopause and hair loss Factsheet

Menopause and hair loss Factsheet

Written by Consultant Dermatologist, Dr Sajjad Rajpar Many women will experience concerns […]

Antidepressants and menopause Factsheet

Antidepressants and menopause Factsheet

Changes to women’s moods, emotions and state of mind during the perimenopause […]

Understanding hormone levels in the blood Factsheet

Understanding hormone levels in the blood Factsheet

Hormone blood tests are not usually needed to make a diagnosis of […]

Family history of breast cancer: Should I take HRT? Factsheet

Family history of breast cancer: Should I take HRT? Factsheet

This factsheet is for you if you have a family history of […]

Healthy eating for the menopause Factsheet

Healthy eating for the menopause Factsheet

The change in hormones that happen around the menopause can affect your […]

Brain fog or dementia? Factsheet

Brain fog or dementia? Factsheet

Brain fog is a very common symptom of the menopause, and many […]

High blood pressure Factsheet

High blood pressure Factsheet

Blood pressure tends to rise with age, and high blood pressure raises […]

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