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Menopause and me Booklet

Menopause and me Booklet

Your menopause is a not an illness or medical condition: it is […]

Menopause and HRT Booklet

Menopause and HRT Booklet

HRT is only one type of treatment for the menopause. It is […]

Living well through your perimenopause and menopause Booklet

Living well through your perimenopause and menopause Booklet

This booklet provides guidance on how to live well through the menopause, […]

Female hormones and COVID-19 Factsheet

Female hormones and COVID-19 Factsheet

Summary Points Estrogen is known to improve the way cells that fight […]

FAQs about HRT Factsheet

FAQs about HRT Factsheet

Estrogen gels and spraysWhere do I put the gel?Licensed directions are to […]

Easy HRT prescribing guide

Easy HRT prescribing guide

Managing people with symptoms of the perimenopause and menopause is a very […]

Perimenopause and HRT Booklet

Perimenopause and HRT Booklet

Perimenopause is the period of time leading up to the ‘menopause’. Medically, […]

Menopause in the Workplace: Top Tips for Women

Menopause in the Workplace: Top Tips for Women

Whilst workplaces are finally moving on and managers are becoming better educated […]

A young woman’s guide to menopause after treatment for cancer Booklet

A young woman’s guide to menopause after treatment for cancer Booklet

This booklet is written by Ellie Waters and Dr Louise Newson to […]

How often should I see a GP after starting HRT?

How often should I see a GP after starting HRT?

On the 29th October 2021, Carolyn Harris MP will lead an army […]

‘Women should receive the right help straight away’ – Beverley H

‘Women should receive the right help straight away’ – Beverley H

Case study: Beverley Summary of case study: Beverley, who is perimenopausal, started to […]

Will HRT make me gain weight?

Will HRT make me gain weight?

There are many women out there who worry about weight gain being […]

When you’re not OK

When you’re not OK

This last year has been exceptionally difficult for everyone living through the […]

Understanding your GP – Four reasons why some women might not be able to obtain certain types of HRT

Understanding your GP – Four reasons why some women might not be able to obtain certain types of HRT

Some women are still struggling to obtain the right type and/or dose […]

Understanding the Menopause

Understanding the Menopause

Too many women do not understand the menopause – this has to […]

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