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My story: Losing and regaining my sense of self

My story: Losing and regaining my sense of self

Jaany, an artist in her mid-40s, felt ready to leave the post-baby […]

Oral health and the menopause Factsheet

Oral health and the menopause Factsheet

Did you know? Your mouth reflects what is going on elsewhere in […]

My story: Why can’t anyone help me?

My story: Why can’t anyone help me?

Monica has lived in Perth, Australia, for 27 years and loved her […]

Making decisions about treatments during cancer care Factsheet

Making decisions about treatments during cancer care Factsheet

Supporting informed choicesIf you have been diagnosed with a cancer that is […]

My story: Mental health, HRT and Me

My story: Mental health, HRT and Me

Sometimes, changes to your mental health are one of the first signs […]

Making decisions about treatments during cancer care: questions for informed choices

Making decisions about treatments during cancer care: questions for informed choices

Consultant urologist, Steve Payne has treated patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs) […]

My story: HRT and Long Covid

My story: HRT and Long Covid

Here we share an account from a woman who has been experiencing […]

What to expect when you start HRT

What to expect when you start HRT

It’s useful to know what to expect when you start HRT, so […]

DexaBone health Booklet

DexaBone health Booklet

Bones in our body are living tissue, made up of cells and […]

Qué esperar cuando comienza a tomar la TRH / What to expect when you start HRT (Spanish)

Qué esperar cuando comienza a tomar la TRH / What to expect when you start HRT (Spanish)

Es útil saber qué es lo normal cuando comienza a tomar la […]

Menopause Symptom Questionnaire

Menopause Symptom Questionnaire

This can be used to monitor symptoms and is worth doing regularly […]

Qu’est-ce que la ménopause? / What is the menopause? Factsheet (French)

Qu’est-ce que la ménopause? / What is the menopause? Factsheet (French)

Le mot “ménopause” signifie littéralement l’arrêt des règles. Meno fait référence à […]

Impact of Perimenopause and Menopause on Work Study

Impact of Perimenopause and Menopause on Work Study

What is the menopause? Factsheet

What is the menopause? Factsheet

The word menopause literally means when your periods stop. Meno­ refers to […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet

The most effective way to treat symptoms of the perimenopause and menopause […]

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