ADHD and the perimenopause and menopause Booklet
In the UK, it is estimated that around 1.5 million individuals live […]
My story of hormonal depression: when my hormones change, I change
In this article, Dr Hannah Ward shared her experience with reproductive depression.
Are menopausal wives short-changed on divorce?
As a woman of a certain age and family lawyer at Family […]
My story: I’ve returned. HRT has given me my career back, my husband has got his wife back and my daughter has got her mum back.
At balance, we are continuously humbled by the stories many women share […]
My story: POI & having a family
Annette had just turned 30 when she started to experience debilitating fatigue […]
My story: HRT and heart health
When Jill, 50, suffered a rare type of heart attack in March 2021, she was surprised by how quickly HRT relieved her debilitating cardiac symptoms.
Heart disease, perimenopause and menopause Factsheet
Heart disease refers to a range of conditions that affect the heart […]
My story: Thirty years of feeling the benefits with HRT, don’t take it from me now!
In this patient stories article, we hear from Lindsay who is 77 and has been taking HRT since 1989.
Speaking out about menopause in my community and at work
This is a patient story about Meera who started to develop symptoms of menopause at the age of 40 and didn’t know where to turn for advice. She’s since implemented free menopause training to support women in the workplace and is committed to opening up the conversation about menopause in South Asian communities.
Iron Factsheet
Find out in this factsheet how what iron is and why do we need it? Why iron is important for women, how much iron we should have every day and food sources of iron.
Long COVID and female hormones booklet
Long COVID affects women far more commonly than men, and women aged […]
Available help, speak with someone today
Suicidal thoughts can be a sign that things are not right, and […]
My story: Losing my wife – an avoidable tragedy?
This story is a very hard-hitting account from a husband who lost […]
What is reproductive depression Factsheet
Depression in women is common at times of hormonal change. Reproductive depression […]
Menopause Policy and Guidance
At balance, we are keen to support organisations in making change happen faster. […]