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HRT doses explained

HRT doses explained

What you need to know about hormone replacement during the perimenopause and […]

7 foods to eat more of during the menopause

7 foods to eat more of during the menopause

Here's some foods to fill your plate with

My story: menopausal migraines, memory slips and hot flushes

My story: menopausal migraines, memory slips and hot flushes

Claire shares her menopause story – and the strategies that have helped […]

Daylight and vitamin D: why you need them during the menopause

Daylight and vitamin D: why you need them during the menopause

How vitamin D can support your bones, and daylight can lift your […]

Menopause and your heart

Menopause and your heart

The lowdown on cardiovascular disease, palpitations and hormones A healthy heart is […]

Safe sex and the menopause: your questions answered

Safe sex and the menopause: your questions answered

Advice on contraception and preventing STIs The perimenopause and menopause can be […]

Multiple sclerosis, the perimenopause and menopause Booklet

Multiple sclerosis, the perimenopause and menopause Booklet

How menopause can affect MS About 130,000 people in the UK are […]

Outdoor swimming and the menopause

Outdoor swimming and the menopause

Menopause Specialist Dr Tania Longman on why a daily dip helps her […]

Menopause and smoking: what you need to know

Menopause and smoking: what you need to know

The benefits of quitting and tips on how to do it Cutting […]

balance Posters – Icelandic Translated

balance Posters – Icelandic Translated

Download our free Norwegian translated menopause resources here to reach more people […]

Menopause and mental health: resources you can use 365 days of the year

Menopause and mental health: resources you can use 365 days of the year

How to safeguard your mental health during the menopause

My story: ‘I was at rock bottom – now I support others through their menopause’

My story: ‘I was at rock bottom – now I support others through their menopause’

Rowan shares her experiences of menopause-related anxiety, UTIs and heart palpitations Rowan […]

Alcohol and the menopause: why cutting down can improve your menopause and overall health

Alcohol and the menopause: why cutting down can improve your menopause and overall health

How alcohol can affect your physical and mental health, plus tips to […]

Menopause and mental health: wellbeing at Christmas

Menopause and mental health: wellbeing at Christmas

Advice and tips to safeguard your wellbeing during what can be a […]

Nurse going through the menopause? Advice from a fellow healthcare professional who’s been there

Nurse going through the menopause? Advice from a fellow healthcare professional who’s been there

Newson Health advanced nurse practitioner Sue Thomas’ tips on managing your menopause at work

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  1. We’ve moved to a bigger home at balance for Dr Louise Newson to host all her content.

You can browse all our evidence-based and unbiased information in the Menopause Library.