Dr Sarah Ball talks HRT and Breast Cancer with Harley Street Emporium
Published: 29th June 2020
Dr Sarah Ball, a GP with special interest in the menopause here at Newson Health, recently joined Fiona from the Harley Street Emporium for a second Instagram Live session. This time, Fiona and Dr Ball spoke about breast cancer and HRT and why women should be given all the facts so they can make their own decisions about whether to take HRT or not. Dr Ball says that “breast cancer is probably the top concern that turns women off HRT and unfortunately the risks of breast cancer have been hugely exaggerated in the media, but also in the minds of women and even health care professionals, sadly.”
In this article from The Harley Street Emporium, you can read the Q&A with Dr Ball where she dispels some of the common myths surrounding HRT and explains why it’s so important that women are aware of all the options available so they can make an informed choice about their own menopause treatment, even after breast cancer.